
Founder’s Circle

Ms Jessica Bauman

Ms. Susan Borke

Ms. Randi Brosterman and Mr. Robert Hutchens

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel and Marcia Chaiet

Ms. Margaret Dicks

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Levinson

Ms. Penelope McCain

Ms. Leah Modigliani and Mr. Nicky McCrane

Ms Wendy Nickerson
Ms Marion Robinson

Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Gina Russell

Ms. Lynn C. Schneider
Ms Kristina Wollschlaeger

CIBC World Markets

The Funding Exchange

H Family Foundation

JBP Foundation
Spirer/Leitzer Fund

Vanderbilt Family Foundation

Advisory Board and Volunteers

Jessica Bauman

Randi Brosterman
Gina Rae Foster

Jaime-Jin Lewis
Meg Stone
Vanessa Quick

Special Friends and Sponsors

Stacey May

Matt Falber, Falber Creations

Ernest Wawiorko
Booz Allen Hamilton

Muzinich & Co.